Photo/Illutration Under a state of emergency, few pedestrians are seen in a business district in Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward on April 13. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe urged businesses to cut the number of on-site workers temporarily by at least 70 percent on April 11. (Shiro Nishihata)

Chiba, Osaka, Hyogo and Fukuoka prefectures announced on April 13 that they will ask businesses to close to stop the new coronavirus from spreading from April 14 or 15 through the Golden Week holidays until May 6.

Kanagawa, Osaka, Hyogo and Fukuoka prefectures are requesting closures targeting the same businesses as Tokyo.

The Tokyo metropolitan government from April 11 has asked karaoke boxes, internet cafes, movie theaters and other businesses to close temporarily, but has allowed supermarkets, areas of department stores that sell daily necessities and barber shops to remain open.

Restaurants in the capital have been asked to limit hours to between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m., with those serving alcoholic beverages asked to stop by 7 p.m.

Chiba and Saitama’s prefectural governments, however, stopped short of embracing the extensive closure requests and have not asked restaurants to reduce hours or impose a limit on when they can serve alcoholic beverages.

“The central government asked us to request the restrictions at a minimum level,” a Chiba prefectural government official said, explaining the prefecture's stance.

Tokyo and six other prefectures under the state of emergency have now announced the details of their requests to close businesses.

“I strongly urge businesses to refrain from operating to stop the infection from spreading explosively,” Osaka Governor Hirofumi Yoshimura said at a news conference after the announcement.

Yoshimura said that he will consider announcing the names of facilities and businesses if they disobey his requests.

Businesses in Tokyo that comply with closure requests and restaurants and other businesses that cut their operating hours can receive 500,000 yen ($4,645) to 1 million yen through a special metropolitan government fund.

Tokyo is the only area under the central government’s state of emergency to date that has clarified the financial amounts it will give business operators who comply with shutdown requests.

“The six prefectures are in tougher financial situations, compared to Tokyo,” Fukuoka Governor Hiroshi Ogawa said at a news conference. “I would like the central government to concentrate on funding less affluent prefectures with its grants.”

Business closure requests by Tokyo and 6 prefectures under state of emergency

(1)Start date (2) Requests for restaurants (3) Special fund for business operators

TOKYO—(1) April 11 (2) Business hours between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m. Alcoholic beverages can be provided until 7 p.m. (3) 500,000 yen to 1 million yen

KANAGAWA—(1) April 11 (2) Same as Tokyo (3) Considering to support with central government’s grants

SAITAMA—(1) April 13 (2) No requests (3) Considering support for small and midsize businesses

CHIBA—(1) April 14 (2) No requests (3) Support with the central government’s grant

OSAKA— (1) April 14 (2) Same as Tokyo (3) Considering adding funds to the central government’s measures

HYOGO—(1) April 15 (2) Same as Tokyo (3) Measures under consideration

FUKUOKA—(1) April 14 (2) Same as Tokyo (3) Wants the central government to focus funding on less affluent prefecture