YOKOHAMA--Dozens of passengers were let off the stricken Diamond Princess cruise ship at Yokohama Port on Feb. 21, joining about 700 of their fellow travelers who have already disembarked.

About 450 people were expected to leave the ship by late afternoon on Feb. 21.

They were cleared in the new coronavirus screening after a two-week quarantine, showing no symptoms of COVID-19 such as coughing or fever, and had not been in close contact with anyone who tested positive.

After the disembarkation, the passengers were carried to major train stations by bus to catch public transport home.

On Feb. 19-20, 717 passengers disembarked from the ship.

They are asked not to go out for two weeks unless absolutely necessary and to monitor their health, including checking their temperature each day.

If they begin experiencing any symptoms, they are advised to notify authorities through telephone number or email address set up for those who left the Diamond Princess.

People who had contact with anyone confirmed infected will have to remain on the ship for an extended quarantine.

No details have yet to be decided on when the crew can disembark.