Tokyo plans to send a fourth charter flight to Wuhan on Feb. 6 to evacuate Japanese from the locked down Chinese city of 11 million, the Foreign Ministry said.

Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said Feb. 5 the government is coordinating with Beijing over its plans to bring back 200 people from the city in Hubei province, central China, where the virus originated.

The aircraft is scheduled to arrive in Japan on Feb. 7, according to a senior ministry official.

Around 140 Japanese nationals are keen to return to Japan, and most of them live outside Wuhan. Motegi said the government is negotiating with Beijing to allow Chinese nationals, including those married to Japanese, to board the flight.

The ministry said there are about 60 such cases.

The government has brought back 565 Japanese on three flights from Wuhan since Jan. 29, when the first charter flight returned to Japan.