Photo/Illutration The app is available on E235 series trains on the Yamanote Line. (Asahi Shimbun file photo)

East Japan Railway Co. (JR East) developed a smartphone application that offers tailor-made workout programs for riders on often packed trains on the Yamanote loop line in Tokyo.

The voice app provides users with selected workouts that focus on their location in a train car, be it on a seat or near a handstrap or handrail. It also takes into consideration the state of congestion, the location of the train and the time of day.

The app, called “‘TRAIN’ing,” was released on Apple Inc.’s App Store on a trial basis and is available for free download until Dec. 26.

It has 87 workout programs, such as “grip a strap with both hands and move your shoulders up and down” and “grip the handle of your bag with both hands and lift it up slowly.”

A JR East official in charge of the app said: “We want to help passengers improve their general well-being by making their traveling time more meaningful. We will consider expanding the service to other lines if the trial proves successful.”

It can be used on E235 series trains, the latest model, which account for more than 90 percent of trains operating on the Yamanote Line, which currently has 29 stations, with one more due to open in 2020.

Before getting on a train, users of the app must enter the station at which they will board and depart and the type of workout they have in mind.

After boarding, they must state their location in a train car from three listed options.

The app will then generate the best workout program for the user based on the station the person is at and data inputted from transmitters in the train car. The state of congestion and real-time location are key components of the programs. The app provides voice instructions for each workout program so users don’t need to look at their smartphone screen while working out.

Instructors of sports club JEXER, which is operated by a group company of JR East, supervised the development of the workout programs.