Security camera footage shows residents and eight men believed to have been involved in the fatal shooting of Tetsu Nakamura fleeing the crime scene in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, last week. (Video footage provided by Enikass TV)

BANGKOK--Security camera footage shows at least nine people were involved in the fatal shooting of Japanese doctor Tetsu Nakamura in Afghanistan last week.

The footage was provided to The Asahi Shimbun by Enikass TV, an Afghan television station that obtained the video taken from a security camera installed along a road near the crime scene in the eastern city of Jalalabad.

Afghan security officials had arrested two men by Dec. 9 after identifying two vehicles used in the attack from the license plates captured in the footage.

The footage does not show the actual shooting of Nakamura, who had spent decades providing humanitarian relief to poor people in war-torn Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The video contains scenes of residents fleeing the scene, followed by footage of eight men dressed in black and white running to two waiting cars.

Five men are seen getting into a white car parked along the road while the other three enter a white sedan that was used to block the vehicle carrying Nakamura, his driver and four security guards.

All six were killed in the ambush.

The two white vehicles flee the scene in the same direction. The white sedan had a driver waiting inside, bringing the total involved in the attack to nine.

A police autopsy conducted in Fukuoka Prefecture found that Nakamura, 73, had been hit by several bullets likely from an automatic weapon. The bullets pierced his liver, causing profuse bleeding that likely led to his death.

Nakamura’s body arrived at Fukuoka Airport on Dec. 9 and the autopsy was conducted the following day at a university hospital in Kurume in the prefecture, where Nakamura was from.